As the Antarctic summer comes to a close in March, migratory species like the Humpback are very active, socializing and feeding in preparation for the long journey ahead, while resident species like the Minke and Orca are also abundant. Each year we will partner with scientists doing cutting edge marine mammal studies for a special scientific voyage with our own Annette Bombosch, PhD. In March 2019, we collaborated with the world’s leading independent non-profit organization dedicated to ocean research, exploration, and education in the US, on a ground-breaking Humpback whale study.
Budding Citizen Scientists will have ample opportunity to participate in marine mammal research, while photographers and videographers are busy capturing stunning images. This voyage also features all of the activities found in our standard Celebrating Antarctica itinerary.
Obviously, last season (March 2019) the BBC was on board to follow and film the scientists for the show Blue Planet Live.