The polar regions will always be irrevocably associated with many of civilisation’s greatest explorers, and while we by no means expect you to repeat their feats on your own excursions in the Arctic here at WILDFOOT, your visit will nonetheless almost certainly give you a taste for the spirit of exploration that inspired these greats. For evidence of that, one only needs to look to the vast range of exciting Arctic activities that we make possible.
Even the most conservative of our itineraries will take you to places that you have never before experienced, but some of our travellers wish to especially capitalise on that, through one of our more adventurous packages. With our sailings offering an average of three shore landings per day while in the Arctic and not ‘at sea’, there is opportunity to indulge in all manner of optional activities. Even those who remain on board can be thrilled by our comprehensive education programme, delivered by our leading Arctic experts.
But let’s imagine that you would rather hop off the ship every now and then – in which case, your excursions in the Arctic really will be like none other that you have ever experienced. It’s enthralling enough to witness the compelling polar wildlife at close quarters, from walrus and polar bears to whales and seals. But what about indulging your physical side by going hiking, skiing, climbing or dogsledding in the remarkable Spitsbergen, or discovering the Arctic’s magical underwater world, scuba diving and snorkelling with one of our seasoned Arctic Dive Masters by your side?
If you would like a more intimate experience of Arctic waters but fear that donning the snorkel and flippers may be a little too extreme for you, never fear – on some of our expedition voyages, you also have the option of kayaking. Just imagine drifting through majestic, isolated icebergs or just stopping in the middle of the water, miles from land, revelling in the solitude of one of the most remote spots on Earth. Many others choose shore excursions in the Arctic that give them an entirely different, but no less spectacular view of the region’s icescapes, land and wildlife.
There really is no experience quite like one of our famed excursions in the Arctic, and whether you take advantage of every possible excursion before you or instead concentrate on just the one or two that most excite you, with the intimate assistance of our guides, you can rest assured of a trip to be remembered for a lifetime.